Cupping Therapy
Curious about cupping therapy? See how you can incorporate this Old Chinese Medicinal tools into your treatment plan. Cupping therapy can be combined with acupuncture and chiropractic techniques for that extra step of relief!
Cupping Therapy acts as a road map to where your pain is deriving from should you have a muscular complaint. It can help reduce muscular related symptoms in patients and help regenerate a new blood supply through a specific region!
The goal of cupping therapy is to dissolve and remove adhesions; normalize the positions of the soft tissue and release the torsion, release shortened muscles and tendons and release entrapment of peripheral nerves!
Don't believe us? Try one today!

Dry Cupping therapy is designed for the following conditions:
Shoulder pain/strain; rotator cuff injury; frozen shoulder
Forearm/elbow pain/tennis elbow
Carpal tunnel syndrome
Back pain
Cervical neck pain/strain including whiplash related injury
Thoracic outlet syndrome
Knee injuries
IT band syndrome/contracture
Gluteal Pain
Hip conditions
Hamstring/Calf injury